K1071 Dual Motor Driver Module

Dual Motor Driver



This module is specifically designed for use with the K1084 SES Starter Module, providing seamless integration for controlling the speed and direction of one or two small DC motors. Its functionality makes it particularly well-suited for robotic projects that involve the need for dual H-bridge motor control, such as reversing and turning movements.

The kit includes essential components, including an L293D IC (Integrated Circuit), a 16-pin IC socket for easy installation, a PCB (Printed Circuit Board) with an integrated heatsink for efficient heat dissipation, a motor noise suppression capacitor for smooth motor operation, and terminal block connections for secure and convenient wiring.

By utilizing this module, users can effectively control the speed and direction of their small DC motors, opening up a range of possibilities for robotic projects. Whether it’s maneuvering a robot around obstacles or implementing precise motor control, this module provides the necessary features to achieve desired functionality.

For those utilizing SES Starter Modules, this motor control module serves as a valuable addition, expanding the capabilities of their projects and allowing for seamless integration with the PICAXE ecosystem.

SKU: K1071 Category: